3 Ways To Hide Stretch Marks Without Makeup

Last updated on February 10, 2025

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Makeup can indeed hide stretch marks, but not all of us are skilled enough to apply it efficiently. Thankfully, there are other solutions you can try. If you are wondering how to hide stretch marks without makeup, we have got your back. In this guide, we will suggest three of the best ways to cover stretch marks without using makeup.

How To Hide Stretch Marks Without Makeup

How To Hide Stretch Marks Without Makeup

If you are not a pro at hiding stretch marks using makeup, no worries, you can try these solutions instead.


Tattooing over stretch marks has become a common thing these days. It is considered the easiest and fastest way to cover stretch marks on the body. Whether you have white or red stretch marks, tattoos can hide all types of stretch wounds efficiently.

Speaking of tattoos, there are two options to choose from. One is a permanent tattoo, and the second is a temporary one. Both have their fair share of pros and cons that needs to be considered before arriving at a decision.

Permanent tattoos are not for everyone. Some people with stretch marks are not ready to get permanently inked. They are either scared of the needles or it’s just not their thing. This is where temporary tattoo stickers come in handy.

If you are not sure about getting a permanent tattoo, apply tattoo stickers. They will do the same thing as a permanent tattoo. The only thing is that it will come off after 5-6 days of application.

The advantage of temporary tattoos is that you can try different designs every time. It doesn’t keep you restricted to only one design. Plus, they are more affordable and convenient. Some temporary tattoos are waterproof, so you can wear them in water as well.

A permanent tattoo over stretch marks seems to be a good idea only if you are ready for it. This method is safe and efficient enough to hide even the ugliest of all stretch marks. Just make sure that you go to a legitimate tattoo artist.

Cosmetic surgeries

Cosmetic surgeries can help you get rid of all your stretch marks, regardless of the body part. Dermatologists use different types of procedures to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

One of the solutions is chemical peeling. It is a process of applying a chemical agent to your skin that will exfoliate the skin cells. However, this method is not as effective as other solutions like laser therapy.

In the case of laser treatment, lasers are focused to penetrate your skin. This triggers the regeneration of skin cells around your stretch marks and causes them to heal faster. As a result, the stretch marks become less visible.

Another option is microdermabrasion, a painless procedure to remove stretch marks. It is known to be very effective in reducing white stretch marks. This procedure targets the epidermis layer of your skin and works by stimulating elastin fibers and collagen.

Microdermabrasion is done by a professional. They perform the procedure on the affected area and take around 30 minutes to 2 hours. Once you get this treatment done, it will take you 24 hours to recover. Also, it takes multiple sessions to see visible results.

Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck can also help hide stretch marks. But this procedure is used only for your abdomen area. Women who have plenty of stretch marks or fats around their tummy can opt for this option. It will not only remove the stretch marks but also get rid of the excess fats.

You can also opt for thigh lift and arm lift surgery to cover stretch marks in that area. After you get these surgeries done, you will have to give yourself time to heal.

Prescription treatments

If you are tired of hiding your stretch marks, it’s time for you to take a step to remove them once and for all. If you are not ready for tattoos and surgeries, it is understandable. Consult your physician and ask them to recommend a prescription treatment.

One of the common treatment options is Tretinoin. It is an anti-acne medication that is prescribed to people with stretch marks. 

It is a kind of topical ointment that is available in gel, cream, or liquid form. Once you apply it to your skin, it will cause an irritating sensation. It causes the cells to regenerate faster than normal.

For your information, Tretinoin is a vitamin-A derivative. This medication is often recommended by doctors for treating stretch marks, acne, and other scars on the body. However, you should consult an expert before applying it.

One thing about Tretinoin is that it shouldn’t be used during pregnancy. Although pregnancy is one of the major causes of developing stretch marks, you cannot use it while pregnant. This is because it is harmful to the fetus. Not only that but the drug may get transferred through breast milk as well. This is why you are advised to talk to a physician before using any drug for stretch marks.


So these are the alternative ways to hide stretch marks. Now that you know how these solutions work, it should be easier for you to decide what you want. Permanent tattoos and cosmetic surgeries are the fastest way to get rid of unwanted marks from your body. But if you choose prescription treatment, it will take some time before you see the results.

What fades stretch marks fast?

Studies have shown that hyaluronic acid can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Applying it regularly on the affected area can make the stretch marks less noticeable.

Can Vaseline remove stretch marks?

Massaging Vaseline or petroleum jelly into your skin using circular motions may help reduce stretch marks. It breaks down the bands of collagen that form in the underlying tissue leading to stretch marks.

How do celebrities avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

Celebrities do a lot of things to avoid developing stretch marks during pregnancy. These include weight maintenance, skin hydration, exercise, and diet.

About the author

Nikita Clark

As a personal trainer that specializes in weight loss and body transformation, I know how it feels to be overweight. Just 10 years ago, I could barely walk for two minutes without needing a rest. But I turned my life around and I want to help you do the same.  

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